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Press and News

Here you will find all relevant news and current information about our company and our products.

Our Head of our Segment Government, Roland Theiner, is attending Intersec in Dubai from January 14 to 16 as a co-exhibitor with our partner, EPM UAE. Together with EPM, he will showcase our innovative...
Four years ago, the exceet Card Group was the first card manufacturer to launch VISA and Mastercard-certified wooden cards. For many banks today, the wood card is not only a physical connection to the...
As a certified card manufacturer following ISO 14298, the exceet Card Group now also produces and personalizes the Austrian railcar driver’s card in cooperation with the Federal Ministry for Cli...
The exceet Card Group strives to use only recycled materials for the production of payment cards in future – in line with the Mastercard Strategy 2028. By the end of 2025, almost 100 per cent of...
Success needs more than just talent. It requires dedication, perseverance and passion. Mona Theiner, our trainee and daughter of our proud government segment manager, Roland Theiner, is on an impressi...
At our card production centre in Kematen, we already manufacture more than 60% of all plastic cards from recycled materials. For payment cards, we are already above 75%. And the number is growing ever...

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