Innovation implies sustainability

For the sake of the environment

Kartenhersteller mit innovativen Ideen

Renewable raw materials

Renewable raw materials are at the forefront of exceet Card Group’s sustainable production. A range of innovative solutions and the use of renewable materials enables the manufacture of products that are both environmentally friendly and high-performance. Using materials such as wood and recycled materials can reduce waste and minimize environmental impact.

Full power from green energy

Numerous measures

Green energy is the future of sustainable living. The exceet Card Group uses innovative and environmentally friendly solutions that help reduce its CO₂ footprint. The products are produced as far as possible from renewable energies such as solar, wind and hydropower. exceet Card invests in sustainable card production and its further development.

Czech Republic

Certified green

The exceet Card Group understands the importance of sustainability and is proud to have received numerous environmental certifications that demonstrate its commitment. By choosing exceet Card Group, you are choosing a partner that is committed to meeting the highest sustainability standards and minimizing its impact on the environment.